Porth Ia (pastell vro Senedh an RU)

pastell vro Senedhek y'n Ruwvaneth Unys a-dhia 1832
(Daskevarwodhys dhyworth Porth Ia (pastel vro))

Porth Ia yw pastell vro yn Kernow, Ruwvaneth Unys. Representys re beu gans Derek Thomas (Parti Gwithadorek) a-dhia 2015.

Porth Ia yn Kernow

Eseli Senedh golegi

A-dhia 1950 golegi

Etholans Esel[1] Parti
1950 Greville Howard Livrel Kenedhlek
1966 John Nott Livrel Kenedhlek
1968 Gwithadorek
1983 David Harris Gwithadorek
1997 Andrew George Livrel Werinel
2015 Derek Thomas Gwithadorek

Gweler ynwedh golegi

Devynnow golegi

  1. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS CONSTITUENCIES BEGINNING WITH "S", Leigh Rayment's Historical List of MPs (yn Sowsnek), kyrghys 8 Hedra 2020