Any use of images uploaded by me, Wikipedia editor Tyw7, must be attributed to me using my full name (Thu Ya Win) if you use it outside of Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia. Failure to do so will result in a copyright violation.
If you use my image/s outside Wikimedia, I would highly appreciate if you let me know by emailing me. This requires a Wikipedia account. I'm curious where my work is used.
If you are a (commercial) publisher and want to use my pictures under a different license or in a way which is incompatible with the given free license, please contact me.
Any use of images uploaded by me, Wikipedia editor Tyw7, must be attributed to me using my full name (Thu Ya Win) if you use it outside of Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia. Failure to do so will result in a copyright violation.
If you use my image/s outside Wikimedia, I would highly appreciate if you let me know by emailing me. This requires a Wikipedia account. I'm curious where my work is used.
If you are a (commercial) publisher and want to use my pictures under a different license or in a way which is incompatible with the given free license, please contact me.
Do not send spam to my email.
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
a ranna – a dhasskrifa, lesranna ha treuskorra an ober
a gemyska – a aswiwa an ober
Yn-dann an ragselyow a syw:
askrifans – Res yw dhywgh ri askrifans gwiw, provia kevren dhe'n lecyans, ha meneges mar peu chanjyow gwrys. Hwi a yll gul hemma yn fordh resonus a vynnowgh, mes ny yllir y wul yn fordh a broffo synser an lecyans dh'agas skoodhya po agas devnydh.
ranna kehaval – Mar kwrewgh hwi chanjya, treusfurvya po drehevel war an ober ma, res yw dhywgh lesranna agas kevrohow yn-dann an keth lecyans hag an derowel, po lecyans kesplegadow.
An restren ma a's teves kedhlow keworransel, dres lycklod keworrys dhyworth an kamera bysyel po an skanyer devnydhys rag hy gwruthyl po hy bysya. Mars yw chanjys an restren dhyworth hy studh gwredhek, possybyl yw na veu nebes manylyon nowedhys.