Hemm yw akont kemeneth rag Wikipedia Kernewek.

An kudyn gans Wikipedia Kernewek yw bos niver isel a dus a wor fatel wra golegi Wikipedia po mynnes y dyski hemma. Yma nivel a wodhvos teknegel isella dhe'n brassa rann a Gernewegoryon hag yw, yn fenowgh, kottha. An akont ma a dhegemmer erthyglow skrifys yn pub sort a Gernewek dre LyverEnep ha der ebost hag ena yth yns i postys gans an akont ma. An akont ma yw restrys gans Gwikor Frank drefen na vynn gwaynya oll an kredit rag an erthyglow ma. Y fydh pub erthygel gwrys gans an akont ma skrifys gans esel an gemeneth a Gernowegoryon na yll po na vynn y golegi aga honan, oll an Wikitekst a vydh keworrys gans Gwikor Frank. My a wra aga kredita, mar mynnons i hemma, y'n kampoll an golegyans.

Mar mynn'ta skrifa erthygel a via postys gans akont ma, gwra skrifa ebost dhe akont.kemeneth.kwiki@gmail.com

Mar eus govynnow dhis, gwra aga govyn orth Gwikor Frank. Meur ras.

This is a community account for Cornish Wikipedia.

The problem with Cornish Wikipedia Kernewek is that there is a low number of people who know how to edit Wikipedia or who want to learn this. The majority of Cornish speakers have lower level of technical knowledge and are, often, older. This account accepts articles written in all kinds of Cornish through Facebook and through email and then they are posted by this account. This account is run by Gwikor Frank because they do not want to get all the credit for these articles. Each article created by this account will be written by a member of the Cornish-speaking community who cannot or does not want to edit it themselves, all the Wikitekst will be added by Gwikor Frank. I will credit them, if they wish that, in the comments of the edit.

If you want to write an article to be posted by this account, write an email to akont.kemeneth.kwiki@gmail.com

If you have questions, please ask them to Gwikor Frank. Thank you.