Devnydhyer:DavydhT/Kyst Tewes/Kalendar Trest Bewnans Gwyls Kernow
golegiHanow kernewek | Hanow Latinek (wikispecies) | Hanow sowsnek | Wiki sowsnek | Wikidata | Notennow |
Lowarn rudh | Vulpes vulpes | Red fox | Red fox | Q8332 | folenn Lowarn rag nebes genesow yn teylu Canidae |
Kwilkyn kemmyn | Rana temporaria | Common frog | Common frog | Q27465 | Nag eus folenn rag Kwilkyn |
Reun loos | Halichoerus grypus | Grey seal | Grey seal | Q27370 | folenn Reun rag Pinnipedia |
Gwenen sia | Bombus terrestris | Large Earth Bumblebee | Bumblebee | Q25407 | a dhelledh bos an erthygl rag eghenn Bombus terrestris po genes Bombus? Yma edhomm erthygel rag Gwenen (klad Anthophila) ynwedh. Yn Wikispecies, Anthophila yw genus gwedhan. An gwenen yw telyuyow Andrenidae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae, Melittidae, Stenotritidae. |
Brogh | Meles meles | European badger | European badger | Q27066 | erthygel kernewek yw rag Meles meles, erthygel sowsnek Badger yw wikidata Q638105 |
Padell ynken kemmyn europek | Sepia officinalis | European Common Cuttlefish | Common cuttlefish | Q756724 | y hyllsa bos erthygel Padell ynken rag ordyr Sepiida ynwedh. |
Sterennik gwenton | Scilla verna | Spring squill | Scilla verna | Q3034404 | Genes Scilla Sowsnek Scilla Q157238 |
Kog kemmyn | Cuculus canorus | Cuckoo | Common cuckoo | Q18845 | an eghenn Cuculus canorus yw Common cuckoo, Kog / Cuckoo yw teylu Cuculidae |
Ke kernewek | Cornish hedge | Cornish hedge | Q3125743 | ||
Gwynnek bleyn rudhvelyn | Anthocharis cardamines | Orange-tip butterfly | Anthocharis cardamines | Q322180 | hanow kernewek selys war gwynnek bras, gwynnek byghan yn gerlyver, ha Gwyn blaen oren. |
Gwragh gog | Labrus mixtus | Cuckoo wrasse | Cuckoo wrasse | Q1292422 | Gwragh yw Sowsnek Wrasse yw teylu Labridae |
Tegeyryan an gors dyghow | Dactylorhiza praetermissa | Southern marsh orchid | Dactylorhiza praetermissa | Q333570 | nyns yw yn gerlyver kernewek, hanow wosa Tegeirian-y-gors deheuol
Yma edhomm erthygel Tegeyryan rag Sowsnek Orchidaceae teylu Orchidaceae |
Pyskador an myghtern kemmyn | Alcedo atthis | Common kingfisher | Common kingfisher | Q79915 | Cymraeg: Glas y dorlan.
Martesen erthygel arall Pyskador an myghtern rag Sowsnek: Kingfisher neb yw teylu Alcedinidae |
Nader-margh owrdorghek | Cordulegaster boltonii | Golden-ringed dragonfly | Golden-ringed dragonfly | Q232843 | Cymraeg: Gwas neidr eurdorchog
Yma edhomm erthygel Nader-margh rag Sowsnek Dragonfly (infraordyr Anisoptera). |
Pyffyer tron potel kemmyn | Tursiops truncatus | Bottlenose dolphin | Common bottlenose dolphin | Q174199 | yma edhom erthygel rag Pyffyer (wikidata Q7369, nyns yw ev war Wikispecies) ha Pyffyer tron potel (genes Tursiops) |
Diplolepis rosae | Diplolepis rosae | Robin's pincushion | Diplolepis rosae | Q1457797 | Yma hanow kemmyn sowsnek rag an bystel a wra goghi war rosenn. Yma henwyn kemmyn erell rose bedeguar gall, mossy rose gall, or simply moss gall.
Yma edhomm erthygel rag Goghi po Goghienn (pyth yw gwell, usya singulativ po kollektiv rag henwyn a'n par na)? |
Ynys Logh | Looe Island Nature Reserve | Looe Island | Q4618058 | erthygel kernewek a yllsa bos ystynnys | |
Kevnis krows lowarth | Araneus diadematus | Garden cross spider | Araneus diadematus | Q337509 | Yma niver a henwyn kemmyn yn Sowsnek, diworth an erthygel sowsnek: The spider species Araneus diadematus is commonly called the European garden spider, diadem spider, orangie, cross spider and crowned orb weaver. It is sometimes called the pumpkin spider, although this name is also used for a different species, Araneus marmoreus. |
Goen Brenn | Bodmin Moor | Bodmin Moor | Q889885 | ||
Gwenen idhyow | Ivy Bee | Ivy Bee | Q451843 | eghenn Colletes hederae - nyns yw war Wikispecies | |
Karow rudh | Cervus elaphus | Red deer | Red deer | Q79794 | Yma erthygel berr seulabrys rag Karow. Yma is-eghenn Cervus elaphus scoticus Scottish red deer. |
Aegithalos caudatus | Aegithalos caudatus | Long-tailed tit | Long-tailed tit | Q170831 | nyns yw kler dhymm pyth yw hanow an edhen ma yn kernewek |
Rudhek | Erithacus rubecula | Robin | European robin | Q25334 | A dhelledh bos an erthygel dashenwys avel Rudhek europek? |
Egretta garzetta | Egretta garzetta | Little egret | Little egret | Q131709 | nag ov sur pyth yw hanow an edhen ma yn kernewek, yn gerlyver NJAW 'kerhyth penvagas lyha' (Kernowek Unys Amendys).
Cymraeg Crëyr bach |
Troos kemmyn | Sturnus vulgaris | Starling | Common starling | Q25469 | yma edhomm pella erthygel Troos rag teylu Sturnidae. |
Palores | Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax | Chough | Red-billed chough | Q643836 | Erthygel Sowsnek Chough yw rag genes Pyrrhocorax |
golegiHanow kernewek | Hanow Latinek (wikispecies) | Hanow sowsnek | Wiki sowsnek | Wikidata | Notennow |
Ensampel | Saxicola rubicola | European Stonechat | European stonechat | Q838665 | Cymraeg: Clochdar y cerrig |
Losow lagas | Ficaria verna | Lesser Celandine | Ficaria verna | Q157557 | Cymraeg: Llygad Ebrill |
Oula gwynn | Tyto alba | Barn Owl | Barn owl | Q25317 | Yma erthygel rag Oula seulabrys. "Owl" a yll bos 'kowan' yn Kernewek ynwedh. Cymraeg: Tylluan wen |
Konin europek | Oryctolagus cuniculus | European Rabbit | European rabbit | Q25851 | Konin a yll bos skrifys rag Q9394 (rann a teylu Leporidae), Sowsnek: Rabbit. |
Spern du | Prunus spinosa | Blackthorn | Prunus spinosa | Q129018 | Cymraeg: Draenen ddu |
Krygell | Maja squinado | Spider Crab | Maja squinado | Q2233169 | lies ger difrans yn Kernewek: krygell, tragesort, gryll, gevrik, pilyek. |
Ensampel | Bombylius major | Greater Bee Fly | Bombylius major | Q1549111 | Nyns ov sur pyth yw yn Kernewek |
Morbiesen eurasiek | Haematopus ostralegus | Oystercatcher | Eurasian oystercatcher | Q25928 | Oystercatcher (kw Morbiesen) yw teylu Haematopodidae gans unn genes Haematopus. |
Manek lowarn | Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | Q157555 | A dhelledh bos an erthygel Manek lowarn kemmyn? An erthygel Sowsnek Foxglove yw rag genes Digitalis |
Ensampel | Zygaena trifolii | Five-spot Burnet | Zygaena trifolii | Q1087286 | Cymraeg: Bwrned pum smotyn. Nyns ov sur pyth yw yn Kernewek |
Krys-hok | Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | Common kestrel | Q26490 | Kestrel yw rann genes Falco. Tygri yw ger rag 'kestrel' yn kerewek ynwedh. |
Lostledan eurasiek | Castor fiber | European Beaver | Eurasian beaver | Q181191 | Lostledan yw yn Wikipedia kernewek seulabrys. |
Ensampel | Mola mola | Ocean Sunfish | Ocean sunfish | Q192285 | Nyns ov sur pyth yw yn Kernewek. Cymraeg: Pysgodyn Haul |
Morvleydh glas | Prionace glauca | Blue Shark | Blue shark | Q26337 | Morvleydh yw erthygel seulabrys. Cymraeg: Morgi glas |
Ensampel | Tettigonia viridissima | Great Green Bush-cricket | Tettigonia viridissima | Q261181 | Nyns ov sur pyth yw yn Kernewek. |
Gwennel | Hirundo rustica | Barn Swallow | Barn swallow | Q25429 | Swallow yw teylu Hirundinidae. Cymraeg: Gwennol yw rag Hirundo rustica ha Hirundinidae rag teylu Hirundinidae. A dhelledh bos Gwennel an eghenn po an teylu? |
Logos an koos | Apodemus sylvaticus | Wood Mouse | Wood mouse | Q212185 | Rag an eghen, Cymraeg 'llygoden y coed'.
Logos yw sowsnek Mouse Q2751034 (mes martesen nebes eghennow gelwys yn-dann kw 'logos' nag yw yn-dann sowsnek 'mouse'). Cymraeg: Llygoden |
Kollell-lesa krullys | Eledone cirrhosa | Curled Octopus | Curled octopus | Q3201483 | Rag an eghen, yma henwyn kemmyn sowsnek erell 'horned octopus', 'lesser octopus', 'northern octopus'.
Yma edhomm erthygel Kollell-lesa ynwedh rag Octopus, ordyr Octopoda. |
Sort europek | Erinaceus europaeus | European Hedgehog | European hedgehog | Q6145 | Yma edhomm erthygel Sort rag Hedgehog, isteylu Erinaceinae. |
Molgh las | Turdus pilaris | Fieldfare | Fieldfare | Q25777 | Yma edhomm Molgh rag Thrush (bird) (teylu Turdidae, Q26050)
Cymraeg: Socan Eira |
Sarcoscypha austriaca | Sarcoscypha austriaca | Scarlet Elfcup | Sarcoscypha austriaca | Q2519734 | Nag eus Wikispecies Sarcoscypha austriaca |
Morvran | Phalacrocorax carbo | Cormorant | Great cormorant | Q25440 | Sowsnek Cormorant yw teylu Phalacrocoracidae.
Cymraeg: Mulfran yw rag an eghen Phalacrocorax carbo. Martesen Morvran rag an eghen, Phalacrocoracidae rag an teylu? |
Molgh loos | Turdus philomelos | Song Thrush | Song thrush | Q26349 | Cymraeg: Bronfraith |
golegiHanow kernewek | Hanow Latinek (wikispecies) | Hanow sowsnek | Wiki sowsnek | Wikidata | Notennow |
Kronek kemmyn | Bufo bufo | Common toad | Common toad | Q146375 | Yma edhomm erthygel ynwedh rag Kronek (sowsnek Toad, Q6453151) |
Ensampel | Necora puber | Velvet swimming crab | Velvet crab | Q853487 | Ensampel |
Skovarnek europek | Lepus europaeus | Brown hare | European hare | Q26838 | Yma edhomm erthygel rag Skovarnek (genes Lepus) ynwedh. |
Ensampel | Haliclystus octoradiatus | Spotted kaleidoscope Jellyfish | Haliclystus octoradiatus | Q1365471 | Yma edhomm morgowles rag Jellyfish, Q30178 |
Ensampel | Libellula depressa | Broad-bodied chaser | Libellula depressa | Q302485 | eghenn a nader-margh yw. |
Nader | Vipera berus | Adder | Vipera berus | Q192056 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Deilephilia porcellus | Elephant hawk-moth | Deilephila porcellus | Q115128 | Deilephila porcellus (nyns yw yn Wikispecies) yw yn Sowsnek 'small elephant hawk-moth'.
Deilephila elpenor Deilephila elpenor yw yn Sowsnek 'elephant hawk moth' po 'large elephant hawk moth' |
Ensampel | Polyommatus icarus | Common blue butterfly | Common blue | Q161533 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Ceriagrion tenellum | Small red damselfly | Small red damselfly | Q1244678 | Yma edhomm erthygel rag Nader moren (Damselfly, isordyr Zygoptera, Q230502) |
Ensampel | Hipparchia semele | Grayling | Grayling | Q247983 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Anemonia viridis | Snakelocks anemone | Snakelocks anemone | Q1192992 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Chrysaora hysoscella | Compass jellyfish | Chrysaora hysoscella | Q2440379 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Sylvia undata | Dartford warbler | Dartford warbler | Q752545 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Filipendula ulmaria | Meadowsweet | Filipendula ulmaria | Q147176 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Asio flammeus | Short-eared owl | Short-eared owl | Q25769 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Mycena inclinata | Clustered bonnet | Mycena inclinata | Q2181869 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Calidris maritima | Purple sandpiper | Purple sandpiper | Q62359 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Regulus regulus | Goldcrest | Goldcrest | Q26657 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Thunnus thynnus | Blue-fin tuna | Atlantic bluefin tuna | Q214415 | Yma edhomm erthygel Touna. (Sowsnek Tuna, Q6146274, trib Thunnini) |
Ensampel | Turdus iliacus | Redwing | Redwing | Q184825 | Ensampel |
Brialli | Primula vulgaris | Primrose | Primula vulgaris | Q159537 | a via gwell henwel an erthygel Briallen? |
golegiHanow kernewek | Hanow Latinek (wikispecies) | Hanow sowsnek | Wiki sowsnek | Wikidata | Notennow |
Ensampel | Myodes glareolus | Bank vole | Bank vole | Q216580 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Okenia elegans | Yellow skirt slug | Okenia elegans | Q3199660 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Oedemera nobilis | Thick-legged flower beetle | Oedemera nobilis | Q1533325 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Caprimulgus europaeus | European Nightjar | European nightjar | Q26717 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Aeshna cyanea | Southern hawker | Southern hawker | Q505187 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Delphinus delphis | Common dolphin | Common dolphin | Q207114 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Garrulus glandarius | Eurasian jay | Eurasian jay | Q25354 | Ensampel |
Ensampel | Carduelis carduelis | European goldfinch | European goldfinch | Q25418 | Ensampel |